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Caterpillars Preschool

Privacy Statement

Caterpillars Preschool is a provider of a service that collects personal information about children, young people and their families.

We will collect the necessary information form parents/carers. We collect and use information under the Early Years Foundation State Statutory Framework (2023), the

Data Protection Act (1996) and the GDPR (2018). It is both contractual and for emergency reasons.

The data we are required by law and as an OFSTED requirement to hold for each child is as follows:

  • Child’s full name

  • Child’s date of birth

  • Child’s address and contact details

  • Parents address (if different) and contact details including a phone number

  • Who has parental responsibility

  • Emergency contact details (3 names and contact numbers)

  • Allergies/dietary requirement information

  • Any other special requirements/needs/medical history details/child protection plans

  • Names of people who can collect your child if not yourselves

  • Doctors name, address and contact number


This information will be collected from you directly on the registration form.  If you intend to claim 30 hours funding will also need parents National Insurance numbers.

Where do we keep your information?

We are required to inform you of how we process and store personal data within the setting.

  • All paperwork regarding your child is stored in the office, (in the filing cabinet, in Keyperson’s tray.  Details of current children’s contacts will be stored on encrypted memory stick, by manager, off site – for use in emergency only.

  • Your child’s full name and date of birth is written in our daily registers.  The registers are stored in the office when not in use.

  • We have  2 computers and laptop in the office which are all password protected.

  • Emails are sent out and received on both computers and the laptop.

Caterpillars will only share any personal information after we have sought permission form you

  • We may share information with other settings, if your child attends other settings.

  • With Hampshire County Council, to claim the funding you are entitled to.

  • With childcare funding/voucher companies if you ask us to.

  • With outside agencies (SALT, health, portage, etc) in order to offer your child any additional support.

  • We may need to share your information with the emergency services if there is an accident or medical emergency.

Child Protection: - Any issues relating to Child Protection will be recorded in a separate file.  Information is given to those on a need to know basis only.

Child protection concerns will be the only time permission may not be sought to speak to other agencies.  The wellbeing and safety of the child is paramount.


We  take and use photos  of your children (with your permission) for use in learning journeys and to display around the setting.  All Photographs are deleted from the camera, tablets and the computer when your child leaves the setting.

We use photographs of staff and committee members in the preschool foyer, and on the website.  They will be removed/deleted when they leaves the setting.

We use photographs of staff and committee members in the preschool foyer, and on the website.  They will be removed/deleted when they leave.

Retention of Records

Caterpillars Preschool uses a document ‘retention periods for records to ensure we retain personal data records for the correct amount of time.  There are certain records that we must retain, you have the right to ask for additional data to be handed over to you or we will destroy it appropriately.

Processing Data

Caterpillars must adhere to the lawfulness of Processing Data.  All data collected by us will fall in to one of the following categories:

  1. Consent of the data subject.

  2. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject.

  3. Processing is necessary for the compliance with a legal obligation.

  4. Processing is necessary to protect the vital interest or the controller has official authority.

  5. Processing is necessary in the public interest or the controller has official authority.

  6. Processing is necessary for the purpose of legitimate interests pursued by the controller or third party.

As well as personal information we also collect and hold data on your child’s characteristics such as their language and ethnicity, attendance, medical information, assessment information and information regarding special educational needs.

Personal achievements:  Staff (Key persons) will collate information regarding observations made on individual children’s attainments.  This allows us to plan for their individual progression.

Senco:  At any time children may have a Special Educational Need.  A separate record system is kept for the identification and monitoring of Special Educational Needs.

We use the collected data:

  • To support your child’s learning and development

  • To monitor  and report on your child’s progress

  • To assess the quality of our care

  • To comply with the law regarding data showing

  • To comply with the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (2023)

Under data protection legislation, parents/carers have the right to request access to information held by Caterpillars, and parents/carers can withdraw consent at any time (other than for information needed by law).

If you have a concern about how we are collecting or storing personal data, we request that you raise your concern in the first instance with the manager or chair of the committee.  Alternatively, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at

Caterpillars Preschool is registered with the ICO.

Please ensure you ask us to update any changes as soon as possible after they have changed.

We are guided by retention rules as to how long we must keep this information.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to us holding this data at any time, and you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office..

Staff, students and committee members

Caterpillars Preschool also obtain and hold information on Staff, students and committee members.


  • Employees personal details will be obtained and held in the filing cabinet.  This ill include medical history, next of kin and emergency contacts.

  • References will be sought from two sources.  A DBS check will also be sought.

  • Evidence of previous qualification, if necessary will be asked for


  • Details of address, next of king, contact numbers will be sought so we know who to contact in a case of emergency.

  • Information on type of course and college attended will be needed before any student will be given work placement to ensure that students are registered with an educational provider.

  • DBS checks will be sought if applicant is aged 18 or over.


  • Committee members names, contact numbers, email addresses and DBS numbers will be kept in a file which is stored in the filing cabinet.  Information is required by Charity Commission and Ofsted

  • Committee members names and contact details will be displayed in Manager office.

  • Government and Local Authorities need to know who has overall responsibility for those who run services for children and the community.

  • DBS checks will be sought for all Committee members to ensure volunteers are suitable to work in the management of children’s services.


  • Ofsted requires that visitors put their name and contact number and reason for visiting into our visitor’s book (for safeguarding reasons)


©2022 by Caterpillars Przedszkole- Numer zarejestrowanej organizacji charytatywnej: –1062510

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